3 Teaching Hacks to Effectively Handle Disruptive Students Without Sending Them to Detention

In an ideal classroom set-up, students must focus on the subject, participate in the discussion, take notes, and respect their instructor and classmates. However, we cannot expect students to behave this way all the time. While there will be excellent students, there would always be the disruptive ones.

Here are fascinating pointers on how to keep class disruptions to a minimum.

Plan It Well


Make sure you prepare your lessons well and strategize how you would keep your students engaged in the lesson. Avoid delays and looking inexperienced. You won’t like to attract unwanted noise and discussion by not preparing well enough.

Be spontaneous and never give a hint of boredom or dull moments. Coax the class to participate in a seamless, interactive discussion.



You have to be careful not to ignore disruptive students aside. You would not want to make an impression that you are selective and biased with your class. At the same time, ignoring these disruptive students may just lead them to disturb the discussions more.

These type of learners would often excuse their behaviors for either disliking their teacher or that they feel ‘disliked’ by their professors.

Don’t Stoop Down


While making sure your students respect you at all times may be difficult, it would have to start from you. You don’t have to impose it on them. Rather, you have to develop your personality and character to be well-respected. Also, remember the cliche, “Respect begets respect.”

Act like a teacher because you are one. Do not stoop down to the level of your disruptive students. Be authoritative and assertive, rather than aggressive.
Here are three tips that teachers should follow in class. Bonus tip: At the end of the day, it all bills down to this – Make your students respect you, their classmates, and themselves.

3 Qualities You Must Have If You Would Like To Work As A Supply Teacher

The competition in the education market adds up to the seeming difficulty of landing a job as a supply teacher. Unless you have contacts who would get your services in case of temporary vacancies, you shouldn’t be taking things lightly.

Here are some qualities you should have to prepare yourself for the job role.


1. Flexibility

You must be flexible enough to teach different age groups or subjects for the matter. With a little imagination, research, and passion, you should be able to handle things and students well. Make an impression that you can manage any class and you should. The role of a supply teacher is subject to variety. You should be able to adapt to changes in culture, demographics, topics, etc.

This quality will come very handy when finding a stint gets tougher than usual.


2. Attendance

Planning your schedules right is the key to success, but also are your persistence and communications with one or a few recruitment agencies. You should make sure you do not miss any bookings if any, and call your placement firm early morning to check if you could have one. Be early, if not on time, for your class and do not accept bookings you cannot attend. Remember, you should be reliable.


3. Efficiency

You always have to be your best or outdo yourself when teaching. This way, the school administration will recognize you as a qualified supply teacher with dedication, passion, and expertise. Make sure you work hard and smart enough for school principals or supervisors to remember your effort and skills. Impress them to increase the likelihood of being hired again in the future, either for another temporary vacancy or a full-time post.


These are just three things to make you a suitable supply teacher.